Discover the secret to true education as your eyes travel over these vital principles recognizing God as Source and Teacher. Understand where many have failed, and live the truth that makes us free. Looking to obtain an advanced degree in Education? Gain fresh insight into the source of all learning and knowledge. Great instruction for those who teach others or for personal development. The book, Education, is a must read for any serious student of life.
Fundamentals of Christian Education
There is no doubt that Ellen White had a profound interest in Christian education—she wrote numerous articles, pamphlets, and books on the subject. Flowing throughout these writings is one constant, abiding theme: education is to bring the student ever nearer to God. It begins at home and continues into the school, but always “true education embraces physical, mental, and moral training, in order that all the powers shall be fitted for the best development, to do service for God, and to work for the uplifting of humanity” (p. 387).
Containing articles drawn from various sources, the book does not duplicate selections from her others books on education (with the exception of the first chapter). Such topics as the proper education of the young, the basis of true education, teachers as examples of Christian integrity, and the true ideal for youth are arranged chronologically to emphasize the historical setting.
Child Guidance
Counsels to parents as set forth in the writings of Ellen G. White. Christ-Centred Parenting operating under the premise that even “the humblest and weakest” child may reach heights that now seem impossible,” Ellen White covers the essentials of parenting. Individual chapters focus on specific building blocks of character, such as purity, cheerfulness, self-control, reverence, industriousness, respect, honesty, cleanliness, industry, economy, and courtesy.
The Adventist Home
Adventist homes can be a little bit of heaven on earth, if certain basic principles are followed. Like a chart to a sailor, this volume offers a reliable guide to those sailing on the challenging sea of matrimony. Counsel is offered on many facets of home life: choosing a mate, child discipline, grandparents, holidays, hospitality, moral standards, divorce, and living with an unbelieving spouse. The author points out pitfalls to be avoided and shows how to have a happy marriage by injecting the grace of God and the principles of Christian courtesy into every aspect of family life.